What is Voicecraft?
Voicecraft® is an evidence-based system of knowledge and skills which facilitates the restoration and optimisation of the voice. It is comprised of a collection of voice analysis, voice manipulation and habitual vocal change skills and processes based on a wide body of research by the great voice scientists and practitioners of the last and current century: G. Paul Moore, Ingo Titze, Johan Sundberg, Harry Hollien, Christy Ludlow, Jo Estill, William Vennard and many, many others. These skills are applied to the re-organisation and optimisation of the disordered or sub-optimal voice. Application to is guided by a set of principles that underpin all aspects of Voicecraft®.
Voicecraft® is a system of direct voice therapy which:
- Is based on research evidence of vocal physiology, neuorology and motor learning.
- Is operationally defined.
- Acknowledges and responds to individual client presentation, responses to cues and learning preferences.
- Provides a context to understand and incorporate alternative treatments as required.
- Is as simple as possible.
- Has 20 years of practice-based evidence across Australia, Asia, Europe and the UK.
The Voicecraft® learning process began with the work of the late Dr Alison Bagnall, Speech Pathologist and Feldenkrais Practitioner and Jo Estill, opera singer, and now incorporates the latest findings from Principles of Motor Learning (PML), neurolaryngology and voice physiology including the research conducted by the Director, Dr Cate Madill.
Voicecraft® is taught internationally in workshop form only and utilising a unique case-based format designed to step each participant through a multi-layered learning experience that addresses individual vocal and perceptual skills, teaching and therapy skills. Each workshop is designed to meet the needs of particular individuals and their special interests in speech pathology, voice treatment or voice training.
Voicecraft® is based around 4 Basic Principles:
Protection, Balance, Learning and Process.
Voicecraft® focuses on 4 perceptual skills available to notice and shape the desired vocal outcome.
Voicecraft® develops differentiated three-dimensional learning of 8 critical motor skills of the larynx (Source) and vocal tract (Filter).
Voicecraft® allows individuals to explore whole movement production of up to 8 voice qualities. A “voice quality” is the outcome of the combination of laryngeal manipulations, which organise source and filter to produce various acoustic and perceptual effects. Every individual will have a unique combination to achieve a voice quality due to their individual, unconscious vocal preferences.
Voicecraft® acknowledges the vulnerability of the individual attempting to master their voice. Voicecraft® techniques are presented with consideration for the uncertainty and/or excitement that the learner may feel when attempting to develop skillful use of the voice, given this may challenge long held beliefs regarding personal power and effectiveness. In this way, Voicecraft® is unique and differs from other bodies of voice teaching in that it considers it the responsibility of the practitioner to provide the environment in which the student can experience success. Developing the voice to its fullest potential is both healing and empowering, permitting authenticity and a deeper knowing of self.