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Applied Workshop for Speech Pathologists

Applied Workshop for Speech Pathologists

Applied Workshop for Speech Pathologists


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This workshop focuses on the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Voicecraft Essentials and Advanced workshop. It includes advanced voice assessment, diagnostic skills and the management of complex voice disorders(including psychogenic voice disorder) in specialist populations such as transgender, teachers, singers, and other professional voice users. Use of Voicecraft in communication disorders other than voice is also explored. Focus is given to trouble-shooting and refining therapeutic intervention strategies when clients don’t respond as expected.

The workshop provides in-depth information, skill development opportunities and case examples of application of therapeutic processes that can be applied across a range of voice disorders and professional voice user populations. Psychodynamic, medical and occupational constraints will be considered in-depth. A masterclass will be included depending on availability of appropriate clientele. Teaching practice and refinement of therapeutic skills will occur throughout.

with their clients as well as practice and generalisation strategies for optimal outcomes. This workshop provides in-depth knowledge, skill development opportunities and case examples of application of therapeutic processes that can be applied across a specialised voice caseload. 

There is opportunity for one-to-one and group development of specific vocal skills, in a safe, supportive environment. Real-life cases will be discussed throughout the workshop and participants are encouraged to bring their own cases to the workshop for discussion.

A manual is provided. 


  • Attendance at a Voicecraft Essentials for Speech Pathologists Workshop or 6 Day Workshop within the last 5 years and Voicecraft Advanced within the last 3 years
  • Experience in the application of Voicecraft techniques in clinical practice
  • Preparation of a de-identified complex clinical case for discussion at the workshop (1 page template will be provided on registration).

Assumed knowledge: 

Undergraduate Speech Pathology vocal anatomy and physiology of the human voice. Voicecraft Essentials and advanced content and skills.

Expected outcomes:

  • Increased confidence in working with adults and children with complex voice disorders
  • Refinement and mastery of 8 essential vocal motor skills, 4 perceptual skills and 6 voice qualities and individual variations.
  • Awareness of teaching practices for improved acquisition and generalisation strategies for optimal outcomes in complex and specific voice disorder populations
  • Strategies for management of psychodynamic, medical and occupational constraints that compromise optimal voice therapy outcomes.
  • Application of a clinical reasoning paradigm for application of the above-mentioned skills to populations of professional voice users, multiple diagnosis voice disorders and other associated functional laryngeal/airway disorders.